Friday, September 25, 2009

P1 STELLAR Listening Posts

The P1 classes have commenced their listening posts activities. The children definitely enjoyed themselves. We teachers believe that the children are going to learn more effectively and enjoy learning all the more.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

P1 STELLAR on Grumpy Elephant

The last STELLAR unit for term 3... Pupils made their own hand puppets for role play and had great fun =D Glad to see the children enjoying themselves so much =)

P1 STELLAR on Giant's Ice-Cream

The fun children had as they learn in class!!! =D

Friday, August 28, 2009

P1 Seed Buzz

Dear all,

The above are some updates of the seed buzz. The teachers must have enjoyed and learnt a lot from the the seed buzz displays. Great!!! =D

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Feedback for our P3 CCP Activities

Hi pupils from 3A, 3B and 3C.....

You have attended all the 4 diferent sessions of the EL ACTIVE! as part of your CCP this term. Please comment on all the lessons after your class has attended all 4 sessions.
Include your name and class.

1st session on Acostic Poems
2nd session on Making Comic Strips
3rd session on Postcards
4th session on Fractured Fairy Tales

What have you liked about them?
What kind of other topics you wish to explore.
How can we make the lessons better for you?

Thank you for your comments.

From Mrs Fernandez, Mrs Choh and Mdm Noraini

Friday, August 7, 2009

P3 CCP EL ACTIVE! 4th Session (Fractured Fairy Tales)

Hi ya kids,

This last session we are going to do something even more interesting. We really hope you really enjoy your last session with us!!

To begin let us watch this clip.......

So how is this story different?

Let's watch another......

How is this tale fractured?

You can read more fractured fairy tales at this website. Click here!

Here is another treat...... Can we combine two stories???Hmmm!!! Find out here.

Now it's your turn to Start Writing your own version. ACTIVITY TIME

Thursday, July 30, 2009

P3 CCP Activity - 3rd session (POSTCARDS)

Hi there kids,
Hope you have enjoyed the previous two EL ACTIVE! sessions during your CCP.

Today's focus:- POSTCARDS

  • So what are the features of a postcard?
  • How is it different from a letter, a story, a comic or a poem?

Let's view some examples then......

Postcard Examples

Now for you to start the ball rolling....try this simple Postcard Creator - Click Here!

Right you are ready to send an online E-POSTCARD - Click Here NOW!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

P3 CCP Activity - EL Active! 2nd Session

Activity 1
What are the features of comic strips?
Whare can you find them?
Click on the following links to look at some comic strips.

Example 1

Activity 2
Create a comic strip that tells a story or sequence of events.
Requirements: Should have a theme and speech bubbles.

For more fun, click here!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Home Based Learning Activities

We hope these online links specially surfaced for pupils will help maximise learning. Especially for those who are on LOA....

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New P1 and P2 Stellar Links

Hi there pupils, here are some new links related to your P1 and P2 Stellar links...

Click here for

P1 Stellar Activities

P2 Stellar Activities

Monday, March 30, 2009

Fun Learning for P1

Integrating play into learning.... Children play card games and learn at the same time =)The children enjoy their writing tasks in groups as well =)All these make learning enjoyable =D

More Pictures on P1 STELLAR

Pictures on P1 STELLAR


The children have been enjoying their STELLAR lessons so far. Learning has been made effective and interesting with such lessons being conducted =)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

P2A's visit to the LTA Gallery

Last Friday, 20th February, P2A went on a Learning Journey at the LTA Gallery. The children were very excited and eager to learn new things about the different modes of transport in Singapore.

They learnt how the different types of transportation have evolved from the past to the present. They climbed on the rickshaw and the mosquito bus. They also tried their hands at an interactive game towards the end of the visit. The game was testing them on their decision in choosing a particular mode of transport for Singapore 2020. Should there be more roads built? How about having more underground tunnels? But wouldn't that cost a lot in building and maintaining?

It was indeed an informative trip. Here are some pictures to capture the moment:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

P2's Learning Journey - Visit to the LTA

The first learning journey for the P2s is to the Land Transport Authority (LTA).

Watch this space for more updates.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Work of P2 pupils

During MLEA, pupils contribute to the Class Writing. The teacher writes what the pupils dictacte.

Then, pupils split into their groups for the Group Writing.

Thereafter, it is the Individual Writing whereby pupils write their story individually.

Below are some examples of pupils' work:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

P2 stellar displays

This year, our P2 classes are on the 3rd floor hence new classrooms.

Here are some pictures to showcase our stellar corner:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome to 2009

Hello everyone, welcome to a new year!
We have made a notable progress in Stellar - Primary 1/2008. This year we are embarking on Stellar - Primary 2 as well. We will continue to plan and execute this year's programme well. Do look out for the items posted in this blog. Thank you very much for the support.