Thursday, July 17, 2008


At Endeavour, we look forward to working in partnership with you so as to maximize your child’s learning and development through the STELLAR programme. We look forward to your support in the following areas:
Ø ensuring your child studies for his weekly spelling tests
Ø encouraging your child to review the story for a particular unit as well as the vocabulary for that unit/week. The story as well as the related vocabulary list will be given to your child by the English teacher as and when a unit is in progress
Ø ensuring your child completes his/her homework
Ø encouraging your child to study for the topical tests
Ø reading with your child and encouraging your child to read extensively (one way is to obtain books with the same/similar themes to those covered in class so as to build up your child’s vocabulary)
Ø reviewing and signing your child’s work as worksheets will be returned to parents for review and signature periodically
Ø ensuring that your child always brings the relevant materials/books for the lesson as advised by the teacher

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